Smoking Kaali Poster Row: Who is to be blamed? | Unbreak the News with Prema Sridevi – Ep 70

By The Probe
New Update

A huge controversy is brewing in India, Canada and some other parts of the world over a poster of Indian goddess Kaali which depicts her smoking a cigarette and holding an LGBTQ flag in her hand. The poster is part of a documentary made by Toronto-based filmmaker Leena Manimekalai. The filmmaker shared the ‘Kaali’ poster on Twitter on Saturday following which a huge row erupted. The filmmaker has gone at length to explain that her intention was not to provoke but to evoke sentiments. Protestors have called out the filmmaker for hurting religious sentiments and many others are speaking about the filmmaker’s right to exercise her creative freedom. Who is right here? Can creative liberties infringe on religious sentiments? Where should the line be drawn? Prema Sridevi UnBreaks this News for you!