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Human Sacrifice: Cases Mount But No Law | UnBreak the News with Prema Sridevi | Ep: 98

A shocking case of human sacrifice was witnessed in Kerala. In the past, India has witnessed numerous instances of human sacrifice, but we still don’t have a national law to deal with these crimes. Here’s the latest episode of UnBreak the News with Prema Sridevi!

By The Probe
New Update

A shocking case of savagery has emerged from God’s own country - Kerala. The dismembered bodies of two women were found on the premises of a house in Kerala’s Pathanamthitta district. The women were murdered, and their bodies were chopped. It is alleged that parts of the bodies were cooked and eaten. The Kerala police have called it a case of “human sacrifice” as part of black magic rituals. This incident shows that even India’s most literate state - Kerala - is not free from superstitions, occult murders or black magic rituals. Across India, we have witnessed numerous cases of such human sacrifices in the past. However, we still don’t have a national law to deal with such crimes. Prema Sridevi UnBreaks this News for you!

(Produced below are the abridged version of the transcripts of the video explainer from Episode: 98 | UnBreak the News with Prema Sridevi | Title: Human Sacrifice: Cases Mount But No Law) 

A shocking case of savagery has emerged from God’s own country - Kerala. The dismembered bodies of two women were found on the premises of a house in Pathanamthitta district. The women were murdered, and their bodies were chopped. It is alleged that parts of the bodies were cooked and eaten. The Kerala police have called it a case of “human sacrifice” as part of black magic rituals. This incident shows that even India’s most literate state - Kerala - is not free from superstitions, occult murders or black magic rituals. Across India, we have witnessed numerous cases of such human sacrifices in the past. However, we still don’t have a national law to deal with such crimes. Let’s UnBreak this News!

This disturbing story will send chills down your spine. Two dismembered women’s bodies were found buried inside the premises of a house in Kerala’s Pathanamthitta district. The murders of the women are believed to have occurred in June and September. According to the Kerala police, the main suspect, Shafi, lured the women so that he could murder them and carry out a human sacrifice ritual.

In this horrendous incident, two women from two different localities in the Ernakulam district of Kerala were lured and murdered. Their bodies were chopped into pieces. Blood was splattered on the walls, and black magic rituals were performed. The accused in the case, Shafi, an occult practitioner, had taken money from the couple - Bhagaval Singh, an ayurvedic healer and his wife Laila for arranging the sacrifice of the women to bring prosperity to the couple. The two victims in this crime, Rosily, had gone missing in the month of June, and Padmam went missing in September. The police have claimed that the accused couple may have consumed the flesh of the victims.

The Kerala police have called the main accused in the case a pervert and a psychopath and said that the prime intention behind the murders were “sexual pleasure” and “satanism”. The police are conducting further investigations to see if more people were butchered and sacrificed by the accused.

Kerala is one of the most literate and progressive states in India. But it is still not immune to such gruesome crimes. So is the national capital. This month, another grisly case of human sacrifice came to light from Delhi’s Lodhi colony, where a six-year-old boy was killed in the posh South Delhi locality as part of a human sacrifice ritual.

In July this year, another incident came to light in the Rewa district of Madhya Pradesh where a man allegedly hacked a youth to death as a human sacrifice for a male child. It was reported that Ramlal, who had three daughters, had offered prayers to a village goddess by promising to sacrifice a youth if his wife gave birth to a male child. In the same state - Madhya Pradesh - two sex workers were killed in human sacrifice rituals last year.

What is shocking is the fact that these barbaric crimes are still taking place in 21st-century India. Those carrying out the grisly murders believe such sacrifices will pacify gods and bring them fortune and luck.

In 2013, the Maharashtra legislative assembly passed the Maharashtra Prevention and Eradication of Human Sacrifice and other Inhuman Evil and Aghori practices and Black Magic Act. Even when this law was passed in 2013, many claim that the state government is yet to implement the Act. Kerala, where the latest incident took place, is yet to enact a legislation against superstitions and black magic. India still does not have a national law against superstition, black magic, witch hunting or human sacrifice. Those states that have enacted specific laws have miserably failed in their implementation.

The recent incidents have shown that these practices are not part of rural or tribal India alone but are taking place amongst the educated people in cities, posh colonies and the national capital is also not immune to it. The horrific crime in Kerala should be a wake-up call to all states and the centre to come up with strong laws to curb these social evils before more lives are lost to such occult practices and superstitions.