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Home Authors Ashutosh Dixit
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Ashutosh Dixit

Edtech Layoffs: Ex-employee Reveals Glaring Details

By Ashutosh Dixit

While many Edtech companies like Unacademy, Byju’s and Vedantu have been issuing pink slips to their employees as part of mass layoffs in the sector, The Probe catches up with a recently laid-off employee of Unacademy who reveals glaring details about the way the company has gone about laying off its employees.

India’s ailing tea industry

By Ashutosh Dixit

If the crisis in the Indian tea industry is not forestalled, it could very well turn into one of the biggest problems facing the sector. The Probe's Ashutosh Dixit explains why the Ministry of Commerce must swiftly act before the situation takes a turn for the worse.