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Brahmaputra: Understanding the rage of the river through 700 years of water discharge history

By Ajai Narendran

“Records of streamflow, an important indicator of flood hazard, go back less than 70 years in Bangladesh and north-eastern India,” says Dr Mukund Palat Rao of Columbia University who along with colleagues, recently did a study that brought together observations from tree ring patterns with climate model projections to build a 700-year history of water discharge from the Brahmaputra river.

India’s ailing tea industry

By Ashutosh Dixit

If the crisis in the Indian tea industry is not forestalled, it could very well turn into one of the biggest problems facing the sector. The Probe's Ashutosh Dixit explains why the Ministry of Commerce must swiftly act before the situation takes a turn for the worse.

The elusive Sports Cities of Noida

By RB Sinha

Since the last ten years none of the envisioned Sports Cities have been built. That apart, flouting of rules and widespread corruption in the allotment of plots for construction of Sports Cities have ultimately resulted in a loss to the exchequer and in many cases have also affected Noida homebuyers.