The story of Gargi Meena, whose life was allegedly claimed by medical negligence at a Delhi hospital. This case reveals alarming details of negligence and the family's pursuit of justice. Public Health | Stories in Reels
Guest teachers in Delhi continue to protest against broken promises and precarious working conditions. Despite years of assurances from successive governments, they face low wages, job insecurity, and lack of benefits.
UPSC coaching centre deaths in Delhi reveal severe regulatory lapses and systemic failures. Detailed investigation exposes negligence and the urgent need for accountability.
Delhi hospital fire – A tragic fire at Baby Care New Born Hospital in Delhi claimed 8 newborn lives. Despite pointing to negligence and safety lapses, only minimal action has been taken against the hospital, with no action against government officials.
Elephants in India are more than cultural icons; they are often used in diplomatic exchanges. The case of Shankar, a gift from Zimbabwe, reveals the gap between symbolic gestures and the practical challenges of ensuring their well-being in captivity.
Behlolpur Khadar experienced a sudden DDA demolition, leaving residents homeless. Despite DDA's claim of following orders, residents allege they received no prior written notice.
Homelessness in Delhi is a severe issue marked by systemic neglect and daily struggles for survival. Discover the harsh realities faced by the city's homeless population and the urgent need for intervention.
The tragic story of Gargi Meena, whose life was allegedly claimed by medical negligence at a Delhi hospital. This case reveals alarming details of unregistered nurses, fake certificates, and the family's relentless pursuit of justice.
Wetlands in India are rapidly disappearing, posing a severe threat to biodiversity and urban ecosystems, necessitating immediate restoration and conservation efforts.
Heatwave: The Silent Killer of Thousands Each Year, and It's Only Going to Get Worse. The Alarming Headlines from India Grappling with an Extreme Heatwave in Recent Days Serve as a Stark Warning.