NLU Delhi Student Death: Death of student at National Law University Delhi exposes cases of sexual harassment, caste-based discrimination, and oppression of whistleblowers.
Racism in South Korea may grab headlines in Asia, but racial discrimination across the continent is more widespread and is a problem we don't talk about much.
This investigative report explores the ongoing reality of Dalit atrocities, uncovering stories of discrimination, assault, and murder. As these incidents continue, the government, tasked with upholding the law, is evidently unresponsive.
From Daily Wages to Academia: Tracing India's Persistent Gender Pay Gap and Gender Inequality Across Sectors - Voices of Women Reveal a Deep-Rooted Issue
Higher education in India is facing a crisis, as high student dropout rates shine a spotlight on deep-rooted issues plaguing the country’s academic institutions.
Students confront systemic caste-based discrimination in higher educational institutions across the country. In this story we speak to victims of such discriminatory practices.
As the world celebrates Pride Month this June, the spotlight falls on India's LGBTQIA community, demanding equal rights and acceptance. While some progress has been made in recent years, the fight for queer-friendly workplaces remains a pressing issue.