The story of Gargi Meena, whose life was allegedly claimed by medical negligence at a Delhi hospital. This case reveals alarming details of negligence and the family's pursuit of justice. Public Health | Stories in Reels
Artemis Hospital Licensing: After eight newborns tragically died in a Delhi hospital fire, which was operating without a valid DGHS license, another shocking revelation emerges: Artemis Hospital also lacked a valid license for a period.
Delhi hospital fire – A tragic fire at Baby Care New Born Hospital in Delhi claimed 8 newborn lives. Despite pointing to negligence and safety lapses, only minimal action has been taken against the hospital, with no action against government officials.
The tragic story of Gargi Meena, whose life was allegedly claimed by medical negligence at a Delhi hospital. This case reveals alarming details of unregistered nurses, fake certificates, and the family's relentless pursuit of justice.
Indian Parliament often sees instances where the government claims data unavailability. This excuse is cited as the main reason for not providing the requested information. Here are 10 issues for which the government didn't provide data.
Dr. Kunal Saha shares his 15-year legal battle against medical negligence that led to a historic judgment in India and a groundbreaking 11.5 crore compensation. He discusses why he believes there is still no medical justice in India.
Pandemic lessons | Research supports enhancing disease surveillance with environmental monitoring, but government funding for nationwide initiatives and additional hospital staff remains pending.
National Medical Commission: A detailed report about how the NMC quietly stripped patients' rights. Examining the impact of the National Medical Commission Regulations on patients' rights.